Week of September 9, 2019

This amazing teacher is using sentence frames to teach Springboard to English Learners during ALD!

Small Group Instruction in G106! Everybody gets what they need with these wonderful teachers!!

This great teacher has students digging in to content and learning on the same page in English Class!!

Every Wed and Fri: Hundreds of Cougar Credits redeemed for positive behavior at the Cougar Store!!

Stella, Kayla, Ed, Bryce, Vince, Alex, Mike, Molly and Maggie went over the student agenda, emergency procedures, and conducted the PBIS survey for every student at CMS last week!!

Big turn out at ELAC!! Hilda Quevedo will be the Committee's president and DELAC represeentative!!

Still feeling it!! The first day of school was a great day for CMS!!!!


Measures of Academic Progress - MAP Testing!
  • Check last week’s blog or email from Kiana for the schedule.
  • The MAP HANDBOOK has everything laid out, step by step. 
  • For help during the test, use the Google Messenger Chat “Crystal All” to request assistance. Use it for help with:
    • Students without a chromebook
    • Students without a charged chromebook
    • Students that can’t login
    • Test session issues
    • Students may use the restroom with a green hall pass. They do not need an escort

A Refresher on Testing Environment Expectations:
  • Please have a quiet assignment ready for students to engage in when they finish testing.
  • Assign to finishers the task of writing their teacher’s information on page 3 of the Agenda 

Using Student Agendas to Record MAP Is A Schoolwide Expectation
  • When students are finished, they can immediately see their score on the screen. 
  • Once they close the window it is gone until the FSUSD testing window is complete
  • Direct students to use the score generated at the end of the session to update student agendas 
  • Direct them to write their ELA and Math scores on page 32 of their Student Agenda
  • Instruct them to reflect on their scores and write a personal goal for the quarter on page 21 of the Agenda. Refer to this chart as a guide for setting goals:

Managing Unfinished Tests & Friday’s Make Ups
As we go through the testing periods this week, record your unfinished tests:
  • Refer to these steps to search for unfinished tests in MAP
  • Make a record of who needs to test during Friday’s make up session

Course Outlines From Google Classroom!!

Use your (and ideas from other) course outlines at Back to School Night. Talking points for BTSN:
  • Homework policy and policy for making up coursework/retaking tests, etc.
  • Skeletal course outline and a detailed accounting of how grades are computed 
  • Classroom management/progressive discipline procedures 
  • If not already collected, get signatures acknowledging receipt of syllabus!

Back to School Night is Wednesday, September 11th. 
Back to School Night is this Wednesday, September 11th from 6 to 7:30. All certificated staff are expected to attend. A schedule has been sent home to parents
  • Flyers and schedules will be in staff boxes to be sent home by 2nd period teachers Tuesday. Look for an email update from Kiana
    BTSN Schedule:
    5:00 to 5:45
    Staff arrive in the Gym
    Introductions and Admin remarks
    6:15 to 6:25
    First Period
    6:28 to 6:38
    Second Period
    6:41 to 6:51
    Third Period
    6:54 to 6:04
    Fourth Period
    7:07 to 7:17
    Fifth Period
    7:20 to 7:30
    Sixth period
  • In each class, teachers need to provide an explanation of the course and program and it is have available additional copies of the course syllabus. 
  • The evening officially begins at 5pm with Title 1 Information Night with partners and staff assisting parents. Parents can pick up login information for Aeries parent portal, sign up for the PTA and become volunteers at Crystal with fingerprinting services available for $45. 

Help promote good attendance and make students accountable! Record accurate attendance every period and assign Cougar Credit every period, every day.
Accurate Attendance Reminders:
T - Student is tardy to class
O - Student is over 30 minutes late to class
L - Student left class without permission

Superintendent Visit on Friday 
Directors and Asst. Directors often attend site visits with our Superintendent, and if the group is large there may be two groups doing walks. Kris is scheduled to meet with admin and visit classrooms.

SSC Election
Intent to run forms are being mailed home on Monday. Any returned forms to the classroom should be turned into the office.

Duty Reminder / Supervision: 
Anyone doing Duty by the bike rack should make sure to close the gate and lock it when you leave. We don’t want to leave that gate open once students have gone home.


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