Wednesday is the End of the Semester

The aeries grading window is open!  
It closes next Thursday, 12/21/17, at 3pm.

Updates from our Community Liaison, Dave Knott:

Crystal will hold a Information Assembly in each gym
class featuring guest speakers from throughout the community.Our guest speakers will be:
Michael Moffat, Senior District Director, Boy Scouts of America, Troop 100
2. Andre W. Davis, Commissioner, Juvenile Justice & Delinquency Prevention, The Building
3. Marvin Mora, Recreation Supervisor, City of Suisun Recreation & Community Services Department
4. Allison Fortner, President, Crystal Middle School PTA.
On 12/19, the Scouts will set up a mock camp site in front of the school

This Tuesday is reserved for the 2nd mandatory meeting of the month... Department Chairs Meetings from 3:15 to 4:45 

Thursday is a Teacher Workday

If you are not on campus that day, your absence will need to be recorded in AESOP.

Learning Walk Data Snapshot: Academic Conversations:

Jeff Zwiers Professional Development -  Improving Academic Discourse

The Jeff Zwiers Research Project will provide training in Academic Discourse to the faculties at Crystal and Grange. Jeff's work is part of FSUSD's LCAP. As a reminder, the first PD is on a Saturday, January 27th and it is available for buy-back credit. Department Chairs will need to put in for subs on subsequent training days on January 29th, February 13th, and March 13th. Please see admin with questions.

Please see Superintendent Corey's Letter to All Staff 

The student she describes in the first paragraph is a former CMS student. If you suspect any student needs support, please immediately refer them to the office to work with our support providers and cc' admin. Our support providers are available to work with staff members too. As a reminder to all, our Employee Assistance Provider phone number is 1800 227-1060. This is a free benefit to all and they offer immediate crisis counseling. 


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