September 23, 2019

PE Teachers getting full engagement and full inclusion going on the Blacktop!!

CMS PTSA President sharing props for growing the PTSA by 50 members!!

College and Career Happenings
Upcoming Inspire Dreams Start Now Fair-
Permission Slips for 8th Grade Students go home Monday
Students MAY NOT go if they don’t return the slips!
Students will use the results of their Naviance Career Key Assessments
8th Grade Teachers will attend as chaperones
Schedule for “IDSN” - October 8th:
  • 6 Buses
  • Load at CMS at 9:10
  • Leave CMS at 9:25
  • Arrive at Kroc/Drop Off: 9:40
  • Pick up at Kroc: 10:40
  • Return to CMS: 11:05

College and Career Club (CalSOAP Club)
Current Solano College students and CMS alumni Geniece and London will be supporting the College and Career Club this year (Thursdays and Fridays at lunch). They will also be available to help out in the classroom to work with students.

The new College and Career Tech will be working out of F105… announcement soon on who will be taking over this position!

CA Dashboard Week!!
Teachers use more than just test scores to determine how well a student is doing because test scores alone don’t tell the whole story. And the same is true for schools – test scores are only part of a bigger picture of school success. That’s why the California School Dashboard contains a range of easy-to-use, color-coded gauges designed to give families a complete picture of a school or district. The Dashboard includes meaningful data on graduation rates, college/career readiness, attendance, English learner progress, suspensions and more. The state has created several videos – translated into Spanish – to help you learn about the Dashboard and how to use it. Find them on the California Department of Education’s YouTube channel!

Adjunct Duty!
Be sure to sign up for Adjunct Duties, including ASD and the upcoming Harvest Dance.

Co Curricular Stipends - we still have an opening this year for Battle of the Books. If interested, please let admin know!

Remember to complete Mandated Reporter training by October 1st!!

Department Chair Learning Walks will happen on Thursday, September 26th.  Department chairs will each be walking through classrooms for ½ of the day. The goal of these walks is for department chairs to get a sense of each departments’ instructional strengths in order to drive impactful professional development this year and achieve department specific goals. All teachers will be observed at least once over the course of the day and as a school we will all uphold the following norms:
  • We only record strengths-based evidence of what is happening in the classroom.
    • All notes will be given to the department chair after the debrief
    • Department chairs will give feedback to teachers in their department within 24 hours 
  • We all learn from each other.
  • We focus on what is transferable to other classrooms in response to the inquiry question.
  • When observing: don’t talk to students nor interrupt the teacher! Also, smile!

We are excited to be in each others’ classrooms and learn from each other this year! Please check in with your department chair or admin if you have any questions or concerns.

Morning Teachers
Period 1
Period 2
Period 3
Afternoon Teachers
Period 4
Period 5
Period 6
Molina/ Solomon
Blaylock, Sturgis,
Mikkola, Tomas, 
Lau, Williamson, Spinelli
Warner/Lay (B Lunch)
Currie, Drumheller
Fee/ Drumheller
Haynes, King
Scicluna, Thomas
King, Gilson,
Spinelli/ Doherty (A Lunch)

Baynard Sorenson,


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