To help you prepare for the return of school activities at Crystal, here is some FAQ for Monday (same information emailed on Friday, 10/13):

Will there be after school activities for students when we reopen?
Yes, most activities will resume as normal. The plan now is for lunch/recess/PE/sports practices to be inside for Monday until further notice. After-school sports scheduled for Monday will be given a “go/no-go” by noon. The district will continue to monitor the air quality and if it changes, will message everyone with updates.

What should you do If your working conditions on campus are uncomfortable or unbearable:
If your working conditions are uncomfortable or unbearable, please: (1) immediately let site admin know (2) site admin will immediately notify our director (3) our director will notify maintenance. In addition, staff may bring fans to their workspace from home (please make sure fans are UL listed).

Will there be district sponsored Professional Development during the school day next week?
No. More specifically, all sub requests for the ELD & Mindfulness trainings have been cancelled.

If I am a staff member who’s been significantly impacted by the fire, what do I need to do?
Request a substitute in Absence Management (AESOP), as normal. If you plan on using Personal Necessity for more than two consecutive days, you need to submit a leave request. If you are sick for more than five consecutive days, you will need to submit a medical leave request to Human Resources. A medical leave request will require a doctor's note. If you have questions or concerns, contact Jennifer Taylor at or (707) 399-5083.

Can students wear face masks?
Yes, as long as the mask is a medical or dust mask.

What mental health support will be available to students and staff?
We will have an assigned school psychologist and/or mental health clinician available to meet with students and/or staff, and their highest priority is to address student and/or staff emotional well-being. Students and/or staff will be able to self-refer or be referred to the school psychologist or mental health clinician, as per standard procedure on our site.

What is the procedure for students who have been evacuated from out of District and now reside in FSUSD boundaries?
CMS may see an influx of students displaced from nearby Districts. We will be mindful of this and follow established procedures for McKinney-Vento (homeless) students. For those enrolling under Mckenney-Vento, we will process their applications immediately and notify Food Services right away via email to ensure they can access free breakfast & lunch.

The MAP testing window was to close this week.  Has the window been extended?
Yes, the testing window now closes Friday, October 20th. Ms. Vidales is through volunteering as MAP coordinator, so please direct your MAP quesitions to Alison going forward.

When will the GATE testing window close?
The GATE testing window  now closes on Friday, October 20th

Will staff be allowed to access school this afternoon or over the weekend if they wish?
The school is scheduled to be open on Sunday due to previously approved facility use permits for basketball and church, which means the campus is open during that time. The district is likely to cancel these permits however, thus resulting in a closure of the school throughout the weekend. Please contact Jay if you need clarification on whether you can enter campus this weekend.


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