October Staff of the Month!

Congratulations to Darin Drumheller - Certificated Staff of the Month! Darin has done a great job working with Independent Study, Coaching, Teaching PE, and more. Congrats, Darin!!

Congratulations to Jeanne Lohr - Classified Staff of the Month! Jeanne used her expertise to create, refine, and deliver our Master Schedule - an amazing job!!

We will use our "Staff of the Month" parking spot and the "principal's" parking spot for the staff of the month from Crystal. 

MHC Welcome and Schedule

We are fortunate to welcome Danielle Slade, experienced and revered FSUSD Mental Health Clinician to Crystal on Mondays and Fridays as 0.4 FTE. We will use our Title 1 money to pay for her position. Welcome to Crystal, Danielle! Kim Holland, our 1.0 FTE Mental Health Clinician is due back 11/2/17. When she returns we will have a total of 1.4 FTE for the students at our school.

Big Event #1: Inspire Dreams Fair is October 3rd

Please make a final push to ensure we receive signed permission slips in the office by the end of the day today (10/2). Slips are available in the office or linked under the "Quicklinks" section on the Secondary Education webpage. We hope to have at least 75% of 8th graders attend! 

Big Event #2: IPR is October 3rd at 3:15pm in the Library

Do you remember what the expectation is for all staff this year? It is... to maintain a BELIEF that ALL students can learn and that it is our JOB to teach them! 
With that in mind, everyone is invited and expected to attend our IPR event on Tuesday. At our meeting, we will look at student achievement data on English Learners, create a plan to improve their performance, and reflect on ways this plan can help improve the achievement of all students at CMS.

Major vs. Minor Behaviors for Documentation with Referrals

Dear staff - for the first month of school, our numbers of referrals and suspensions are WAY down as compared to the last few years. Why?? Before we can be sure, let's be clear on when to write a Minor Referral and when to write a Major Referral. Please see the Guideline and Process Chart below...

** Remember** Minor referrals should stay in the classroom until requested by the office. Major referrals should go with an immediate phone report to the office and immediate request for pick up from the classroom by a campus monitor and/or administrator.

Attendance Data & Behavior

Because our Referrals and Suspensions were down, we looked at other indicators of student behavior. Sure enough it is found in attendance. There are over 120 students with 5 or more tardies to the same class (periods 2 - 6) and 36 with 10 or more tardies to the same class (periods 2 - 6)! This does not match our overall attendance rate of 96.2% for the month; and unfortunately this behavior problem from over 12% of our students results in disruptions and repeatedly missed instruction. Please recall from above that any student with 5 or more tardies to periods 2 - 6 in one semester earns a minor referral for each subsequent tardy. We will also notify you this week of the names of your rostered students that have such attendance issues.

Psych Schedules 

In case you weren't aware,Ms. Cherrita Merritt has always been a contract employee with the district. Wednesday this week her contract is up and she will be going home out of state. As a result, the district is sending over Psych support until a permanent solution can be made. Below is a list of FSUSD Psychs and the initials of students' IEPs they will be working on to help keep us in compliance:
Gigi Castro:  MJ, ER
Trisha Burkhart: TA, AD
Rome DeVase: NG (Pending), HC
Da'Fona Jackson: TW, RJ
Melinda MacKenzie: SC, HTB (pending)
Bethany Passick: AC
Marissa Reliford: GT

Thank you for all your help Cherrita... Best of Luck to You!!

Attention Math Teachers! Short Survey...

Please provide your input on professional development around academic conversations in math by taking this survey. Ed. Services requests that you have it done by this Friday, October 6th. 


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