October 10th: PBIS Booster Training is Cancelled... Keep your sub assigned to CMS! 


As of today, we still have hundreds of students that have not completed testing for the MAP. Let's all pull together, share those Chromebooks and get this done! I'm asking everyone to make this their TOP PRIORITY to complete all MAP testing on or before OCTOBER 11th. If you have any questions, please let your dept. chair, admin or the MAP coordinator know! Thank you for your dedication and for getting 'er done!!

Great Schools Use Data!

Thank you to everyone for their participation and contributions to our IPR. As a result, we now have a "Theory of Action" to guide our work. All Departments will be having collaborative discussions to identify causes behind low student performance and working with admin and support staff to develop action plans for those students most in need . After we complete MAP testing (!), our data review should include the MAP assessment results from last May and the new results from the most recent assessment. TOGETHER, WE CAN DO IT FOR OUR STUDENTS!!

Administration Building Changes/Updates

Our new Conference Room is G101. The old Career College Counselor Office is now for David Knott, our Community Liasion. The SRO office will be for our Mental Health Clinicians. When our new SRO comes on board, he will stay posted in the front office by the cumulative files.

Designated ELD Time

Teachers will need to give Stella Williamson their Designated ELD Monitoring Information this week, as our site's verification of Designated ELD instruction in ALL CLASSES is due October 13th. It goes without saying that if you are not sure if/when you are teaching designated ELD, please ask an Admin or Stella, and make reaching these students a priority for every lesson! They need our help and support to improve their suffering achievement data.

College and Career goes to Cal Maritime

Adriana Barrett is planning a field trip to Cal Maritime Academy and will be taking College and Career Club students along with other students who may be interested in attending. Please let Adriana know if you have any students that may be interested...Date for this field trip is Nov. 3rd from 9:15-1:45. CMA is a great school with a great mascot (The Keelhaulers!). CMA Graduates, like Pirates, WILL see the world like few others will!


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