2017 Inspire: Dreams Start Now Career Fair - Tuesday, October 3, 2017

What it is: an interactive 8th grade career exploration event
How8th grade teachers will distribute & collect permission slips on Tuesday. Slips need to be turned in by 9/27. (Slips day of the event will not be accepted)
How: The district requires that two staff members per bus accompany students:
Bus 1:
Nicole Williams, Alarcon Young
Bus 2:
David Knott, Spinelli
Bus 3:
Admin, Vidales
Bus 4:
Atkins, MacFarlane
Bus 5:
Drumheller, Molina
Bus 6:
Jonathan Williams, Tracy Williams
Bus 7:
Olsen, Shearer
Reserve for Non Permission Slipped Students:Admin, Tomas

"Grace Period" for Lunch...

is going to expire after lunch service on 9/27/17. The district has mailed home applications for our students, but they have not returned. Unfortunately, CMS will have many students whose eligibility will expire unless we receive their application prior to 9/28. An all call reminding families will be delivered this week.

The October 3rd Staff Meeting Will be Our In Process Review Date

The "IPR" is our annual time when we look at data, set goals for the school year, and establish actions for each goal. Everyone's input and attendance is necessary to help improve our Dashboard and Disproportionality data. Having a clear lesson objective, a BELIEF that all students can learn & it is our job to teach them and using DOK 2 or higher questions will make a HUGE difference in the lives of students on our campus.

SSC & Title 1 Updates

Two proposals were presented to the SSC for the use of Title 1 funds to address the needs of our students:
1. Literacy Coaching with consultant Sara Buckerfield
2. Math Coaching with consultant Phil Gonsalves
Sara has committed to specific dates and a contract for services will be submitted to the Board in early October. Phil is still working with his schedule to see if the proposed dates will work. More info on both programs to follow.
The SSC did vote to eliminate Title 1 funding for the Academic Support Teacher & Behavior Technician positions for this year (and contract with above consultants instead). The SSC also voted to fund an additional 0.4 Mental Health Clinician (on top of the existing 1.0 FTE MHC) and to combine two 1/2 day para positions in to one. All other Title 1 programs remain unchanged.

Offering $$ for Teachers to do Intervention(Tutoring)

With Title 1 Funds, we will be offering to teachers the opportunity to teach after school, before school and lunch tutoring on a paid, hourly basis. Programs will include English 3D and others. Please let the Administration know if you are interested!

CMS Fiscal Standing

Here are the budget #'s presented to the SSC, as of 9/21/17: 


If you haven't already, please take the teacher quiz. There are some revisions to give you instant feedback on what to do around our school and to turn you in to a verteran in no time!


  • For SAFETY sake, please do not assign students to answer the phone. Teachers should answer the phone because we may need to contact you directly and immediately if there is a security issue. 
  • All teachers who have their own personal greeting on their extension's voice mail by the end of the week will get a TREASURE card from the admin. Not sure how to do it? See our Faculty Handbook



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