Teachers - Are you MISSING any MATERIALS? Counting Textbooks and Williams Act Verification:

  • If you are missing something now-- please email the admin asap and they will  fill out the Textbook Request Form
  • The Curriculum Department will be entering classrooms on Monday, September 11, 2017 from 12pm to 2:30 to complete the Williams Act verification process for us. They will make every effort to not disrupt instruction. They will complete the following tasks:
    • Count all ELA, Math, Science and Social Science textbooks in the classroom (See the document below)
    • Verify current enrollment
    • Collect teacher initials

One Form to Refer Your Students for Academic, Behavioral, Social or Emotional Support:

As discussed at our faculty meeting, "Who are the students that are your biggest concern? Who is more than one year behind? Who has horrible attendance? Who has an issue that is keeping you guessing and up at night?" For all these concerns, we have ONE FORM to refer such students to receive support. The form can be found Copy of CMS Request for Assistance Form.

A Note from the Superintendent & Administration:

"Last Friday, the day before a 3-day weekend, we had 40 teachers submit personal necessity absences.  As a gentle reminder, see the attached article from the F-SUTA contract.   We also heard we had a larger than usual number of student absences.  We want to strongly encourage our students and families to attend school on days prior to breaks."

Employee Financial Information Night

We are please​d to invite you to take part in our Employee Financial Information Night that will be held at the District's Central Offices from 6:00 to 8:00 pm on Wednesday, September 6, 2017

The aim of the evening is to educate our employees on financial literacy and provide information to you in regards to the opportunities available to you as an employee with FSUSD. 

Our proposed program consists of a variety of different workshops presented​ by VALIC, Horace Mann, American Fidelity, Teacher's Pension and more!  A more specific and detailed program will be released prior to the event.

GATE Testing for Our Students?

September 15th, 2017 is the deadline for parents and teachers to request GATE testing.  The form is found on the GATE home page near the bottom.  You can find this form at fsusd.org/GATE or tinyurl.com/fsGATE

Students in grades 2-7 may be referred by school personnel and/or a parent/guardian to be screened for the gifted program in October 2017.  If you are interested in having your student screened for GATE services, please complete the FSUSD 2017-2018 GATE test request form by Friday, September 15, 2017

Link to the CSTP's 

Certificated Staff, you can find the most up to date California Standards for the Teaching Profession here!



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