September's Staff Member of the Month is TJ Vidales! 

She is deserving of this award because:

  • She has been instrumental and proactive getting over 200 Chromebooks out of their boxes and in to teachers and students' hands
  • She is coordinating the MAP Assessment this month and offering trainings in her classroom two different times this month
  • She has been very active and dedicated to supporting our new staff, creating a "New Teacher Support Folder" in Drive with 20 different resources and maintaining an "open door" to all.
  • Congratualations TJ! Your Crystal Middle School Staff of the Monh!! 

T.E.A.M. - Together Everyone Achieves More - Workshops

T.E.A.M. workshops are designed to bring caregivers, families and staff together as we support students throughout the school year. Meetings are once a month and qualify for salary credit or buyback hours for those that attend. For staff, meetings run from 3:30 to 5pm and will alternate between Crystal and Grange Middle School, who is also participating. A second session for families/caregivers will be on the same dates from 6 to 8pm. Topics and dates are:

  • 9/20/17 at Crystal: Trauma Informed Adults & Self Care Strategies
  • 10/18/17 at Grange: Trauma (Deeper Dive) 
  • 11/15/17 at Crystal: Grief & Loss
  • 1/17/18 at Grange: LBGTQ/SSOGIE
  • 2/21/18 at Crystal: Compassion Fatigue & Well Being
  • 3/21/18 at Grange: Planning Forward/Acknowledgement  & Evaluation

The workshops will be facilitated by Shauna Murtha,  LCSW

How to Write a Positive Referral

Not only can you hand out a Crystal Cougar Card to students for their positive behavior, but we have POSITIVE referrals. These forms are ideal for times a student has gone above and beyond our 3 B's.. Got someone in mind? Please fill it out and drop it off with an administrator. We will read them over the loudspeaker. Forms can be found in the hallway next to the staff breakroom.

Check out our Bulletin Board at the District Office! Thank you Bulletin Board Committee - Adriana Barrett and Alice Currie!

Select a topic below to discover more information about Evaluat'd, or Employee Interface for Evaluations:

New Staff - Welcome to our counselor Nichole Williams & Kyle Andersen

Since the last post, we have officially added two more members to our staff! Please welcome 7th Grade Science teacher in Room E204, Kyle Andersen and our Counseor, Nichole Williams! To make room for Nichole, we will have to move offices around. ALISON GUERNSEY's new office will be the old conference room and the conference room will be in G101. Ms. Williams will move in to Alison's old office. These changes will create a confidential workspace for all and will be implemented on Wednesday next week.

Do you like Sumdog?

Sumdog is running free online math contests in school districts nationwide. The contest is free to enter and starts Friday, September 22nd, and runs until 8pm the following Thursday. Here's how the contest works:
  • Scores are based on accuracy, and questions adapt to each student's ability - so everyone has a fair chance.
  • During the contest, students simply play math games on the Sumdog website. 
  • Taking part is easy. It'll only take a couple of minutes to add your students to their class team.
  • You can play at any time during the contest week - either at home or at school.
  • The top three classes win a Sumdog subscription to premium teaching tools. 
We'd love every student to have the chance to take part. To join, just visit this page:


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