New Staff!

Please welcome Mr. Christopher Olsen, our new 6th grade teacher in Room D201. Chris comes to us having many years experience in elementary, middle and high school. He most recently was a First Grade Teacher and CMS is so lucky to have him joining our staff. WELCOME Mr. OLSEN!!

Enrollment Numbers & Rebalancing Classes

The goal is to have this completed by the end of day this Friday so students can start their new schedules Monday morning as necessary.

Students with Special Needs

Also by the end of the day this Friday, general education teachers will receive an email with attached "IEP At a Glance" and the Accommodations pages. For each student, the body of the message will include whom the Case Manager is. This is the person you should talk to if you have any questions about the IEP or the student's disability. 

504, Homeless and Foster

Our administrative staff will share with you whom the students are on your rosters that have a 504, are Homeless or our Foster Youth. Our 504 Coordinator this year will be Lisa and our Homeless and Foster Youth coordinator will be Alison. 

Student Discipline Notes:

"TARDY SWEEPS" are a school procedure (I forgot to mention!) to prevent students from being late to class. The way it works is simple: every week, Lisa will send a *secret* shared Google Doc. It will have a period each day identified for you to record which students are late to your class. (If the students don't know what period the sweep is, they are motivated to be at EVERY class on time!) Students caught in the tardy sweep are part of the procedure to pick up lunch detention students, and generally serve fewer minutes than referrals.

Discipline Assembly:

The Discipline Assembly last Friday had important information for all of us to know and stay on the same page with.. Please take a moment to read my remarks so you will know what the students are expected to do. Here is the outline of what was covered with the students:

  • Our Pledge to Students
  • Our Common Goal at CMS
School Rules:
  • Be On Time
  • Student Dress and Grooming Policy
  • Anti Bullying Policy
  • Horseplay, Fake Fighting and Combat
  • Cell Phone Policy
  • In the morning
    • Food
  • Keeping the Campus Clean
  • Loudspeaker Expectations
    • Pledge
    • Announcements
  • Lockdowns
  • Campus Boundaries
    • In the morning
    • During Lunch (Red Lines)
    • Incentives for Quad Use
  • Using the Bathroom
    • 10 minute Rule
    • During A lunch and B lunch (locked hallways
Thanks to DAVE and MAURICE for breaking down the clubs and blacktop procedures:

Reminder: Back to School Night is Wednesday, August 30th from 5 to 7


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