September 30, 2019
Reflections From Working As A Sub To provide one more sub for the department chair learning walks, I "subbed" for the vacancy all day in H101 for the Math 7 Co Teach. Little did I know that it would be a very insightful experience! Some reflections: The Open Up/Illustrative Math curriculum is very rigorous for both teaching and learning. Open Up challenges students to think through productive struggle. For teachers, orchestrating those opportunities requires deep content knowledge and strong understanding of the curriculum. The most success I had with Open Up was when my co teacher and I relied on each other’s strengths. Coteaching Rocks! It's a really cool model for supporting students and the brief moments of reflection Krystal and I shared were really helpful for improving the next lesson’s delivery. Unlike elementary, the immediate chance to teach the same lesson consecutively throughout the day allows for small improvements each period. It was definite...