May 13 to May 17th

MAP Testing Starts THIS Week! 

  • Reading MAP testing will take place in all 4th period classes on Monday and Tuesday, May 13th and 14th. 
  • Math MAP testing will take place in all 4th period classes on Wednesday and Thursday, May 15th and 16th. 
  • Friday, May 17th is make up day. 
  • Please see the schedule HERE

CAASPP Make Ups Continue
Until we make our 100% completion rate, we will still be pulling students to complete CAASPP testing.  

Department Chairs for 2019 - 2020
It’s time to begin the selection process once again for Department Chairs. Positions for Department Chair are: Science, Math, English, Special Education, 6th Grade, History, Electives, and PE. If you are interested in being a Department Chair and/or continuing as Department Chair in 2019-2020, please let Jay know as soon as possible. 

The End is Near - Reminders:

  • If you haven’t already done so, please sign up for a MAP/End of Year Incentive Activity. 
  • ALL LIBRARY BOOKS DUE: May 17, 2019
  • Promotion is June 6th from 10 to 11:45 and lots of logistics are being planned and will be communicated. 
  • CMS Coaches - please send Kiana the names of the 8th grade students who participated on your teams and which sports.

This Week’s Events:

  • Monday: Be sure to give PBIS points for students that are ON TIME to your class!
  • Tuesday: CMS Department Chair meeting in the Library from 3:15 to 4:15
  • Wednesday: School Site Council SSC Meeting in the Library at 3:30
  • Thursday: Track Meet, BGW at CMS, beginning at 3:30 (adjunct available)
  • Friday: Music students attending performance off campus. Please dismiss/excuse those with passes that will be attending from 9:30 to 12:30.

Upcoming Events:

  1. Department Meeting (required attendance) - Tuesday, 3/21/19
  2. Memorial Day - No School - Friday, 3/24/19
  3. Memorial Day - No School - Monday, 3/27/19
  4. Chromebook Collection starts - Tuesday, 3/28/19
  5. Spring Concert (Evening Performance) - Tuesday, 5/29/19 at 7pm
  6. Spring Concert in the Gym (Assembly Schedule) - Wednesday, 3/30/19
  7. Textbook Collection starts - Thursday, 3/31/19
  8. June Faculty Meeting - Tueday, 6/4/19
  9. Promotion - Thursday, 6/6/19
  10. Last Day - Thursday, 6/6/19 (12:30 dismissal, lunch is served from 12:30 to 1pm)
  11. Teacher Work Day - Friday, 6/7/19


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