February 25 to March 1st
Lockdown Drill - Monday, March 4th at 1:20pm
We will be conducting a drill to test the “Hide” portion of the “Run, Hide, Fight” response to an Active Shooter.
We will be partnering with Suisun Police. They are sending 3 - 5 officers to assist us with the drill.
Please see the attached memo distributed to all with details. Please go over the details of the drill with your 5th period students, but do not share with them the safeword.
We will debrief with SPD at our March 5th Faculty Meeting.
Matriculation to Armijo
Registration Nights for current 8th graders start this week. Please share this info with students. A dialer to parents is going out as well:
2/25 4:30-7:00 @ Armijo
2/27 4:30-7:00 @ Armijo
3/5 4:30-7:00 @ Armijo
3/7 4:30-7:00 @ Armijo
International Baccalaureate
Counselors have sent surveys to 8th grade students interested in taking IB, Advanced Placement and Honors courses for participation in High School Shadow Days at AHS.
Once students complete the survey, they will be invited to a short 30 minute meeting to get more information.
GATE Night
Is Thursday, February 28th from 5 to 7pm! Thank you to Mrs. Lewis, Mrs. Williamson, Mrs. Halls and everyone that signed up to support the event. If you like the TV Show “Shark Tank”, please come out and see what our students have to pitch to the judges!!
Additional Supervision
- **We are no longer requiring students to have an escort to the restroom during 4/5/6th periods. Please excuse only one student at a time from your class and write a PASS for them to be in the hallway.
- Campus Supervisors are locking the bathrooms at 11:35 prior to doing the detention sweep; and unlocking them once all 4th period students are in class. This is to help improve B lunch students’ attendance during 4th period.
- Ms. Corrie is still out, but we have Mr. Jason working on campus on a “bridge” assignment as a Campus Monitor until March 3rd. He comes to us from Dan O. Root.
- In addition, we have completed reference checks for 3 more people for the vacant Noon Duty Supervisor positions. We are looking forward to having them join us soon.
RFEP Monitoring
As required by Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), we are now monitoring our Reclassified- Fluent English Proficient students for four years after “graduating” from English learner status. Follow-up forms have been distributed to the student’s Engilsh teacher so the “Teacher Observation” section can be completed. Please look at the form carefully. If the student is not demonstrating satisfactory skills and academic progress, the interventions or supports that have been used so far must be identified. After the RFEP monitoring forms are completed, please return to our CSEL, Mrs. Williamson. If you have any questions, please see admin. Thank you!
Events This Week:
- Buckerfield Springboard Professional Development Day in the Library, Tuesday, February 26th
- X-Stem Field Trip to Travis AFB, Wednesday, February 27th from 9 to 2:30pm
- GATE Night, Thursday, February 28th from 5 to 7pm
Upcoming Events:
- Active Shooter Drill with Suisun PD, Monday, March 4th at 1;15
- March Faculty Meeting, Tuesday, March 5th
FSUSD Science Fair
You are invited to the annual FSUSD Science Fair on Friday, March 8, 2019, from 4:30-6:30pm in the Armijo gym. There will be science projects from CMS students and from schools throughout our district. In addition, FSUSD VR will be offering an opportunity to experience virtual reality, and there will be a variety of scientists from our community who can answer questions about their research or field of work. Everyone is welcome!
Upcoming Joint Secondary Special Ed Meeting
All CMS SPED Teachers and one admin from each site will attend after school on March 13th. Location is tentatively set for the Adult School library. This is updated information changing the meeting date and time. More information to follow!
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