February 19 to 22

To Do, February 19th: Course Requests for the 2019 - 2020 Master Schedule
Please see this DOCUMENT for clear instructions for all 6th and 7th grade teachers to execute for Tuesday, February 19th. The course requests should have been delivered to you.  Please have ALL your 6th and 7th graders select the electives that they would like for next year by ranking their top 3 choices. Collect the course requests back from the students and return them to Mrs. Lewis.
To help place students, including those that are English Learners, English Teachers will fill in the following...MAP Scores, CAASPP Scores, and grade for English in INK PEN. Recommendations for next year will be marked in PENCIL. Students that are English Learners and students with IEP’s will have their recommendations reviewed by the English Department Chair, the CSEL and Case Managers to determine proper placement for next year’s ELD instruction.

Debriefs From the February CMS Department Chair Meeting;

Discussing Campus Safety, the following action items were discussed:

  • We will continue to require students to have an escort to go to the bathroom 4/5/6th period through the end of this week (February 19 to 22)
  • We will continue to enforce the cell phone policy strictly and without exception to promote a safe school campus. Posters for the "Off and Away" have been passed out and are available HERE.
  • We will enforce the RED LINE in the morning to ensure proper supervision
  • We will request a Suisun Police Department patrol officer to supervise the bus lane in the morning
  • We will restate the expectation to staff that Teachers do their yard duty supervision
  • We will restate the expectation to staff that Teachers are at their door during passing periods, supervising their classrooms and hallways at the same time

Discussing a Culture of Collaboration, the following ideas were discussed:

  • Every staff meeting would feature one tool or share out focused on: Best Practices, Classroom Management, Planning, Assessments and Curriculum
  • 1st & 2nd Year teachers would work with an veteran “mentor” teacher
  • Create a “teacher academy” opportunity for new teachers to collaborate & receive support
  • Create a “new staff member” binder
  • Allow new teachers to observe other teachers from around the district
  • Using Title 1 money to “buy a section” of coaching for the 2019 - 2020 Master Schedule
  • Fostering Grade Level Collaboration time to examine what to do with students earning multiple “F”s on their report card and strategize parent/teacher conferences.

Safequest Starting This Week

At our December Faculty Meeting, Victoria Davis from Safequest Solano spoke about the Shifting Boundaries program, an evidence-based program designed to reduce the precursors of dating violence by focusing on sexual harassment among young adolescents in a middle school setting. Please see the attached DOCUMENT for session topics and schedule.

Starting Again Now is Triple P 
The Triple P – Positive Parenting Program is a parenting and family support system designed to prevent – as well as treat – behavioral and emotional problems in children and teenagers. It is being offered at the FSUSD Adult School and the first class starts today, 2/19/19. As a reminder, Triple P aims to prevent problems in the family, school and community before they arise and to create family environments that encourage children to realize their potential. Triple P is delivered to parents of children up to 12 years, with Teen Triple P for parents of 12 to 16 year olds. Teachers & staff, please reach out to parents you feel may benefit from this program and encourage them to attend, even if they miss the first session. The flyer for the program can be found HERE.

Important Reminders:
Please Encourage Our Students to Participate Essay Challenge for African American History Month
Black History Month, also known as African-American History Month, is an annual observance in the United States. It began as a way of remembering important people and events in the history of the African diaspora.  Students competing in the essay challenge should choose an individual or event and write a short essay about its impact on themselves, the community, society or world.  Some essays will be selected for presentation and put on display at the local library.  All essay challenge writer participants will receive special recognition.  The deadline for submitting essays is February 22.  Please see David Knott for entry forms and rules. 

SPED Teachers!
Please be sure to fill out the projections sheets as soon as possible. Meetings for us to finalize projections with Rebecca will take place Feb 25-Mar 1.

All Teachers!
The grading window for the 2nd Semester Progress Report #1 is now open.  The grading window will close Monday, February 25th at 4pm.

This Week’s Events:
  • Department Meetings, Tuesday February 19th
  • Community Service at Sullivan (in lieu of suspension), Tuesday, February 19th from 3:30 to 6:00pm
  • FHS Freshman Registration, Tuesday, February 19th from 4:30 to 7:30
  • FSUSD Board Recognition of CMS Student of the Year (M. Supapo), Thursday, February 21st at 6 pm
  • Essay Challenge entries due, Friday, February 22nd

Upcoming Events:

  • Buckerfield Springboard Professional Development Day in the Library, Tuesday, February 26th
  • X-Stem Field Trip to Travis AFB, Wednesday, February 27th from 9 to 2:30pm
  • GATE Night, Thursday, February 28th from 5 to 7pm
  • Active Shooter Drill with Suisun PD, Monday, March 4th at 1;15
  • March Faculty Meeting, Tuesday, March 5th


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