Week of September 10th to 14

The PBIS Reward App will be used to record points for students for the following positive behaviors:

  • On Time
  • Wearing ID
  • Being Safe*
  • Being Kind*
  • Being Responsible*

We are no longer passing out Cougar Cards! 
All staff can assign students points in PBIS Rewards. Please let admin know if you need help. The students are already getting fired up to earn points... please jump in and enjoy distributing points for following the Cougar Way*!

Promoting Positive Behavior
Our focus for this month is to improve students' in school attendance and getting them to go to class on time for the 2 most challenging periods - 2nd and 5th. To do this, we are going to be focused on the two most challenging periods each day:

  • 2nd and 5th period for 7th and 8th grade teachers.
  • 1st and 4th period for 6th graders due to block schedule.

All teachers - Take prompt attendance for these two periods and log points for students that arrive on time and wearing an ID to these 2 periods. Thank you and 
please see the memo in your boxes for more information! 

The PBIS Tier 1 Team is Offering a Training on How to Use the Rewards Wednesday, September 12th from 8:00 to 8:30 am & again from 3:15pm to 3:45. One half hour of adjunct is available for all who attend the each session. 

MAP Testing Make Ups - Admin will be pulling students this week to make sure that both their English and Math NWEA MAP tests are completed.

September Focus for Students:
PBIS and Teaching Positive Behavior in the Classroom - Please be sure to work on your bumper sticker for the 6 positive behavior traits! Trustworthiness, Fairness, Responsibility, Respect, Caring & Citizenship

Classroom Board Elements 
Should be consistent in every classroom & must display: Learning Objective, Daily Agenda, & Homework. A nice example from Mr. Dean:

Teachers, please use the electronic referral system. Paper referrals are only for subs. To access the electronic referral link, go to referrals.fsusd.org & log in.

Congratulations to Staff Members of the Month for August!
Classified - Kiana Thomas - incredible work starting the school year for the first time  and simultaneously building great systems!
Certificated - Clement Lau - great teamwork and dedication on PBIS Teams, SSC and History Department!

Upcoming Events This Week

  • CMS Department Chair Meeting - Tuesday, 9/11 at 3:15 in the Library
  • PBIS Tier 2/3 Team at Nelson Center for Training - Dave, Nicole, Marielle, Shanti and Jay to attend - Wednesday, 9/12
  • SSC School Site Council Meeting - Wednesday, 9/12 at 3:30 in the Library
  • MAP Data Drill Down with Mrs. Nichols - Starting this Thursday & Friday, 9/13 & 9/14. Look for a calendar invite. A sub will relieve you for 30 minutes.
  • Edgenuity My Path Training Pt. 2 - Friday, 9/14 at 7:30 in H104. If you are interested in supporting our after school tutoring program using My Path, please come to the training!
  • PBIS Tier 2/3 Meeting to Review RFA's - Friday, 9/14 at 9
Upcoming September Events 

  • Buckerfield Consulting to CMS for work in Springboard implementation and planning with the English Department - Tuesday, 9/18.
  • Principal for the Day with Tim Mattos - Wednesday 9/19

  • First Progress Reports Due - Friday, 9/21


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