September 24th to 28

Pupil Engagement: After School Tutoring
The  academic  program  at Crystal Middle School strives to provide  Universal  Access  for  all  students  through  differentiated  instruction, a variety of course offerings, and targeted practice offered after school to assist  students  with challenges in Reading, Mathematics and English Language Development (ELD).  

Students with a priority invitation for After School Tutoring using Edgenuity My Path for English &/or Math have been screened according to their most recent MAP Assessment data. Students enrolled in the English 3D program have also been screened. Invitations for My Path Priority 1 and Priority 2 students and students in need of additional ELD support with E3D will go out this week. Students should turn in RSVP's back to the office to secure their spot. The invitation can be viewed here.

Additional CMS Programs:
After/Before School Offerings will be consolidated on a single sheet for teachers, staff, students and families to access. The list includes most engagement activities happening on campus and will be updated periodically, so please check back. Hard copies will be in the office. The Sheet can be viewed here.

PBIS Rewards:
Please be on the lookout for emails and calendar invites for our Tardy Sweep this week. We are continuing to focus on improving attendance for students that are not on time to 2nd and 5th period!

Announcements and Reminders:
**A quick reminder that the District is hosting a PD series on evidence-based classroom management each Wednesday! Each class is done in an active-learning format and includes reflection and strategies on culturally-responsive teaching and building positive relationships with students and their caregivers. Sign up today!

**The three middle grade math webinar series are posted on Go Sign Me Up! You register once to attend all sessions. You can receive buy back if you attach a screen shot or photo of attendance to your buy back sheet.

**This is a reminder to be very careful handling student permanent files.  If you remove one, make sure you return it to the correct grade drawer and carefully, alphabetically refile it in a timely manner.

**Flag Football - Wednesday, 9/26 against BGW. Adjunct Duties available during sports season. 

**Make Up Picture Day -  Thursday, 9/27 We are going to have Lifetouch here for make-up pictures from 7:30-12:00 in the gym. 

A HUGE THANK YOU to SUNSHINE for the kindness, donuts and snacks last Friday!!


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