Week of September 4th through 7

  • Regular September Faculty Meeting Tuesday (No IPR) from 3:15 to 4:45
  • Classroom Management & Substitute Plans Due to Kiana & Dept. Chair on Tuesday
  • MAP Testing This Week:

Tuesday Sept 4
Wednesday, Sept 5
Thursday, Sept 6
Friday, Sept 7
Regular Day
Regular Day
4th Period Testing
4th Period Testing
No Testing
No Testing
Math MAP
  • Test Schedule for Thursday (Students Follow 2nd Period Teacher's Lunch Schedule - please teach the students what your 2nd per. lunch is):

A Lunch Testing Schedule
B Lunch Testing Schedule
4th Period
4th Period
Lunch A
2nd Period
2nd Period
Lunch B
4th Period
4th Period
6th Period
6th Period

  • Test Schedule for Friday "Make Up Day" (Students Follow 3rd period Teacher's Lunch Schedule - please teach the students what your 3rd per. lunch is):

A Lunch Testing Schedule
B Lunch Testing Schedule
4th Period
4th Period
1st Period
1st Period
2nd Period
2nd Period
Lunch A
3rd Period
3rd Period
Lunch B
4th Period
4th Period
5th Period
5th Period
6th Period
6th Period

Students With Unfinished Reading Tests Will be Pulled to Complete Testing Throughout the Week.

IEP's Begin
  • When received, promptly indicate if you will be in attendance and be on the lookout for schedule changes and/or requests for information about the IEP student's progress (please cite your understanding of the student's disability per the IEP at a Glance). Your replies help the Case Manager effectively prepare for the meetings. 
  • If you can not attend, you are still required to provide written feedback to the Case Manager. She will share this feedback with the team and work with the parent to excuse you from the meeting. 

Co Teach 101
We are excited to announce that on Wednesday, we will have 18 subs on campus for Co-Teach 101 coaching, collaboration, and planning day for all co teachers (Gen Ed & SPED) in the Library.
Please bring your laptop, planning materials, teacher editions, lesson plan books, whatever you need to ensure a productive planning session with your partner.

After School Tutoring Program
As noted in our Faculty Handbook, we will offer after school tutoring to students and their families from 3:15 to 4:15 Monday through Thursday. Teachers that facilitate this will be paid by the hour. 
The program will feature "My Path Reading and Math by Edgenuity" and is Title 1 Funded.
My Path is a computer adaptive program that provides students age-appropriate instruction focusing on skills and concepts students are ready to learn.
ALL STAFF INTERESTED IN HOW TO RUN THE MY PATH PROGRAM should attend the first training this Friday at 7:30 am in Jennifer Warner's classroom, H104. 

Spotlight on Academic Conversations
One of the planned actions in our district's 2017 - 20 LCAP is to provide research based professional development, including coaching, modeling and collaborative lesson development, focused on rigorous academic conversations and integrated/designated English Language Development to ELD teachers at secondary sites. 
Our work continues in this area this year, with visits from Secondary Ed Representative Shannon Balthazor, who will be visiting our site periodically, with the first visit to CMS classrooms next Monday.
As a refresher, here is the presentation from last year's training on Academic Conversations with Jeff Zwiers.

Ongoing Professional Development
Starting in September, the district is offering PD focusing on evidenced-based classroom management in an active learning model. This is a series intended to introduce the 8 core practices we are messaging through PBIS and center around evidence-based classroom management, teachers can attend any session they choose without needing to participate in the full course sequence.
These courses are  geared towards new teachers or those who do not feel confident in the fundamentals of evidence-based classroom management, but all are welcome.
Each class will be held from 4-6 PM at the central office

  1. 9/12/18-- Defining and teaching classroom behavior expectations.
  2. 9/19/18-- Routines- develop and teach predictable classroom and transition routines (part 1)
  3. 9/26/18-- Routines- develop and teach predictable classroom and transition routines (part 2)
  4. 10/3/18-- Settings- map & assess the physical layout of your classroom to meet the needs of all students
  5. 10/10/18-- How to use prompting and active supervision to proactively meet students’ needs
  6. 10/17/18-- Increasing students’ effort and motivation through targeted acknowledgment
  7. 10/24/18-- Using group contingencies to improve the behavior of your whole class
  8. 10/31/18-- Increasing engagement & reducing problem behaviors through active learning (part 1)
  9. 11/7/18-- Increasing engagement & reducing problem behaviors through active learning (part 2)
Ongoing Support for Special Education Teachers: Check PD Place for Details


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