February 26 - March 2

Map test and District Writing Assessment Update

Continue finishing up MAP testing! 

We have several students who have not yet completed their MAP testing due to absences, independent study, or didn't finish their tests on Friday. Click here for the updated list of students who need to complete the Reading or Math test and complete as soon as possible. 

The District Writing Assessment Window is closing soon

The last day to complete the District Writing Assessment in Illuminate is Wednesday February 28th! Make sure every student has completed their writing assessment.

Active proctoring of the assessment by walking through your classroom, monitoring student progress and encouraging students as they are testing will ensure students remain engaged in the assessment. 

Memo to Office Staff, CC'd To All Staff

Please read the memo below and adhere to it when support for a student not adhering to discipline protocols in the classroom is needed. Click on the memo to access it in Docs:

Minutes Sheet from February Department Meetings

To make it easier for everyone to access the information being discussed in each Department, Department Meeting Summary Notes (like the Summary Notes from Board Meetings) will be published monthly. Click on the sheet to view February's:

Deadline Reminders From Program Leads...

  • Return all Independent Study work passed out with a green cover sheet to Mr. Drumheller ASAP
  • All grade verifications in your box should be signed and returned to Donna (deadline was 2/22)
  • ELPAC Testing is still going in the Library... Please send students with a pass from Mrs. Williamson promptly at the beginning of each period. If students have misplaced the pass, call the office for a monitor to bring them over to the Library

Welcome Aboard - RSP Teacher Eva Whyte!


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