
Showing posts from May, 2019

May 28th to May 31st

End of the Year Happenings Promotion : Like last year, 8th graders will practice during 2nd period on Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday next week. The entire program, including rehearsals and staff roles, will be detailed in a packet to be distributed by Kiana. Thank you in advance to everyone for supporting this event and making it special for our students and families! Day Time Spring Concert is Thursday, May 30th with 2 performances. Assembly A is from 9 to 10 am Assembly B is from 10:04 to 11:04 See the Bell Schedule . Reminder to have students leave backpacks in the classroom and review good audience behavior. Thank You for Your Adjunct Duty! Thank you to: Balthazor, Gilson, Scicluna, Doherty, Lay, Thomas, Lipsey, Halls, Fisher, Solomon, Spinelli, Williamson, Molina, Reynolds, Dean, Tomas, Lau, Currie, Brodersen, Sorensen, Haynes, Benckendorf, King, Fee, Victorio, and Warner for completing your adjunct duty for the year!! Evening Spring Concert is a...

May 20 to May 24th

MAP Scores Teachers, please check the Achievement Status & Growth Summary with Quadrant Chart. This has A LOT of information on how well your students performed on the Spring MAP. CLICK HERE to view how to view this report. Our Site’s Goals (Not SPSA) Our site’s goals were originally targeted for 1st semester growth: “First Semester Goal: Reduce the number of 6th Grade Students scoring in the lowest two percentile ranges as determined by Fall and Winter NWEA MAP scores in Math.” While we didn’t make the goal the first semester, once we have the Student Summary Report available, we measure how we performed on this goal for the Second Semester. This information will be shared with Department Chairs to share at this week’s meetings. Math Camp! Please be sure to turn in any green RSVP notices from families that will send their students to the Math Camp happening at CMS this summer. Crystal MIddle Extended School Year In addition to Math Camp, Crytal ...

May 13 to May 17th

MAP Testing Starts THIS Week!  Reading MAP testing will take place in all 4th period classes on Monday and Tuesday, May 13th and 14th.  Math MAP testing will take place in all 4th period classes on Wednesday and Thursday, May 15th and 16th.  Friday, May 17th is make up day.  Please see the schedule HERE CAASPP Make Ups Continue Until we make our 100% completion rate, we will still be pulling students to complete CAASPP testing.   Department Chairs for 2019 - 2020 It’s time to begin the selection process once again for Department Chairs. Positions for Department Chair are: Science, Math, English, Special Education, 6th Grade, History, Electives, and PE. If you are interested in being a Department Chair and/or continuing as Department Chair in 2019-2020, please let Jay know as soon as possible.  The End is Near - Reminders: If you haven’t already done so, please sign up for a MAP/End of Year Incentive Activity.  ALL LIBRARY...

May 6th to 10th

Teacher Appreciation Week!  Thank you for all you do each day for our students and our school! We appreciate you! Be sure to stop by the staff lounge Monday. More emails to follow throughout the week.  Make-Up CAASPP Testing Great job on testing! Here is a summary of our completion rates as of last Friday: Monday we will continue CAASPP Make-Up Testing in D101 . Students will be called out of class with a pass, please ask them to promptly go to the library with all of their belongings. If a student is absent, please write ABSENT on the pass and return with TA or Campus Monitor.  Bike to School Day 2019 is on Wednesday, May 8th. Crystal Middle is registered with schools across Solano County to strap on their helmets, hop on their bikes and pedal to school on National Bike to School Day, a part of National Bike Month in May. This year we're giving away prizes. Staff is encouraged to participate! Bargaining Update Please find attached a public information d...