
Showing posts from February, 2019

February 25 to March 1st

Lockdown Drill - Monday, March 4th at 1:20pm We will be conducting a drill to test the “Hide” portion of the “Run, Hide, Fight” response to an Active Shooter. We will be partnering with Suisun Police. They are sending 3 - 5 officers to assist us with the drill. Please see the attached memo distributed to all with details. Please go over the details of the drill with your 5th period students, but do not share with them the safeword. We will debrief with SPD at our March 5th Faculty Meeting. Matriculation to Armijo Registration Nights for current 8th graders start this week. Please share this info with students. A dialer to parents is going out as well: 2/25  4:30-7:00 @ Armijo 2/27  4:30-7:00 @ Armijo 3/5  4:30-7:00 @ Armijo 3/7  4:30-7:00 @ Armijo International Baccalaureate Counselors have sent surveys to 8th grade students interested in taking IB, Advanced Placement and Honors courses for participation in High School Shadow Days at AH...

February 19 to 22

To Do, February 19th: Course Requests for the 2019 - 2020 Master Schedule Please see this DOCUMENT for clear instructions for all 6th and 7th grade teachers to execute for Tuesday, February 19th. The course requests should have been delivered to you.  Please have ALL your 6th and 7th graders select the electives that they would like for next year by ranking their top 3 choices. Collect the course requests back from the students and return them to Mrs. Lewis. To help place students, including those that are English Learners, English Teachers will fill in the following...MAP Scores, CAASPP Scores, and grade for English in INK PEN. Recommendations for next year will be marked in PENCIL. Students that are English Learners and students with IEP’s will have their recommendations reviewed by the English Department Chair, the CSEL and Case Managers to determine proper placement for next year’s ELD instruction. Debriefs From the February CMS Department Chair Meeting; Discussing Campu...

February 12 to 15

Crystal Middle English Learner Progress 2018 English Language Proficiency Assessments for California We begin ELPAC testing for our students designated as English Learners Tuesday, February 12th - March 22nd.  Please review all three lists Mrs. Williamson shared on 2/7/19.  Students will be testing in the library.  Please be sure to send students on time and encourage them to do their best! Note:  6th grade will test on Tuesday, February 12 from 9:30 to 12:43. 7th grade will test on Wednesday, February 13 from 9:05 to 12:43. 8th grade ...Friday, February 15 from 9:05 to 12:43. Make-ups on Friday for any student/s absent (or sooner) On February 19-22 students will receive a pass to test for the one-on-one speaking test.  This will be in the library. Mrs. Coral will be assisting with ELPAC testing and when finished, will return to her schedule/depending when we finish daily. Empathy: PBIS Focus of the Month Our focus this month is for ...

February 4 to 8

Insights to Behavior As discussed at our Faculty Meetings, the site license for "Insights to Behavior" has been acquired with Title 1 Funds. Insights to Behavior is an online tool that will help us generate quality behavior plans in less than an hour. The vendor for the product will be on campus Monday, February 4th offering training all day for case managers, counselors, and admin. Effective use of this tool will support all staff and help students with behavioral challenges. More information will be made available to staff at our faculty meeting. Springboard Sara Veloz from Buckerfield Consulting will be on campus Tuesday for coaching rounds and again for a 1/2 day training for all Springboard teachers (both Gen Ed & SPED) in the CMS Library on 2/26. The 2/26 date is a departure from the coaching model we've been using to date and is similar to the model we used last year. The office has sent out a schedule for attendees and substitutes have been arranged.  ...