Faculty Meeting This Tuesday in the Library

Our faculty meeting is this Tuesday from 3:15 to 4:45. All staff is expected to be in attendance at all Faculty Meetings, which will be the first Tuesday of the month. Kiana will be at Faculty Meetings to take attendance at the beginning and end of the meeting.
All staff are also expected to be in attendance at their respective Department Meeting on the third Tuesday of the month from 3:15 to 4:15. Your Department chair takes attendance.
In order to be excused from one of these required meetings, you will need to notify all 3 admin in writing by 3:05 on the Friday before. Certificated staff are not excused unless they're request receives a response giving an excusal in writing from admin.

Topics For This Month's Faculty Meeting:

  • LCAP Goal #3 - Master Schedule for 2018/19
  • LCAP Goal #1 - Creating A Safer School 
  • LCAP Goal #1 - Reviewing our School's Safety Plan
  • LCAP Goal #3 - This Year's Extended School Year Program
  • January 2018 Staff of the Month

Training with Sara Veloz on Monday, 1/22 will be in the Library:

Coaching with Sara Veloz will be on 1/24. She will visit classes for the teachers that have participated in the training above, with a sub for you to have a release for a coaching conversation.

District Writing Challenge

The District Writing Assessment window for Grades 6-10 will be from January 22 - February 28. Step-by-step guides and resources on how to administer the assessment in Illuminate have been sent out. Training will be provided on January 25 from 4pm-5pm at the Central Office in the IMC Room. Please register on PD Place.

Reminder! Jeff Zwiers Professional Development -  Improving Academic Discourse This Saturday!

The Jeff Zwiers Research Project will provide training in Academic Discourse to the faculties at Crystal and Grange. Jeff's work is part of FSUSD's LCAP. As a reminder, the first PD is on a Saturday, January 27th and it is available for buy-back credit. Department Chairs will need to put in for subs on subsequent training days on January 29th, February 13th, and March 13th. Please see admin with questions.

Great Kindness Challenge

As a reminder: On Monday, you will receive this checklist in your mailbox.  Hand them out to your first period class.  Once your students complete all the challenges on the checklist.  They can bring it to the office for a PRIZE!  There will be lunch time activities relating to #kindness. Please see the AP Den or the Staff Calendar for more info & how you can get a Treasure Card.

Go Warriors - Greg Update

An update on our beloved Greg for everyone on staff and the entire Crystal site population... We have word that Greg is doing well and is very upbeat and he  is looking forward to returning by the first round of The Golden State Warriors playoffs... Go Warriors!!!

Other Events on Campus This Week:

  • FHS ROTC site visit - 1/24/18
  • School Site Council - 1/24/18
  • West Ed PODS Debrief Day for Math Teachers - 1/25/18
  • PBIS Team Meeting in F204 - 1/25/18 at 3:20

Upcoming Events:

  • IB Parent Night on 1/30/18
  • Spring Picture Day is February 13th


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