
Showing posts from September, 2017
2017 Inspire: Dreams Start Now Career Fair - Tuesday, October 3, 2017 What it is: an interactive 8th grade career exploration event How :  8th grade teachers will distribute & collect permission slips on Tuesday. Slips need to be turned in by 9/27. ( S lips day of the event will not be accepted) How: The district requires that two staff members per bus accompany students: Bus 1: Nicole Williams, Alarcon Young Bus 2: David Knott, Spinelli Bus 3: Admin, Vidales Bus 4: Atkins, MacFarlane Bus 5: Drumheller, Molina Bus 6: Jonathan Williams, Tracy Williams Bus 7: Olsen, Shearer Reserve for Non Permission Slipped Students: Admin, Tomas "Grace Period" for Lunch... is going to expire after lunch service on 9/27/17. The district has mailed home applications for our students, but they have not returned. Unfortunately, CMS will have many students whose eligibility will expire unless we receive their application...
MAP Assessments Window 9/18 to 10/6/17 Measures of Academic Progress (MAP) computer adaptive interim assessments provide a personalized assessment experience by adapting to each student’s learning level.  If a student answers a question correctly, the test follows up with a more challenging question.  If a student answers incorrectly, the test follows up with an easier question.  MAP precisely measures every student’s achievement as well as growth over time. TJ Vidales is our coordinator and her Master Schedule has all the information you will need about the MAP and how Chrome Books will be shared throughout the building. Thank you, TJ!! QUIZ For New Cougar Teachers  This  formative assessment  is for new teachers to complete in about 5 - 10 minutes. The results from the quiz will shape admins' support for new teachers, but all staff are welcome to take it! Thank you for your participation! #twitter challenge!!  TEAM Workshops: T.E.A...
September's Staff Member of the Month is TJ Vidales!  She is deserving of this award because: She has been instrumental and proactive getting over 200 Chromebooks out of their boxes and in to teachers and students' hands She is coordinating the MAP Assessment this month and offering trainings in her classroom two different times this month She has been very active and dedicated to supporting our new staff, creating a "New Teacher Support Folder" in Drive with 20 different resources and maintaining an "open door" to all. Congratualations TJ! Your Crystal Middle School Staff of the Monh!!  T.E.A.M. - Together Everyone Achieves More - Workshops T.E.A.M. workshops are designed to bring caregivers, families and staff together as we support students throughout the school year. Meetings are once a month and qualify for salary credit or buyback hours for those that attend. For staff, meetings run from 3:30 to 5pm and will alternate between Crystal and...
Teachers - Are you MISSING any MATERIALS?  Counting Textbooks and Williams Act Verification: If you are missing something now-- please email the admin asap and they will  fill out the  Textbook Request Form The Curriculum Department will be entering classrooms on Monday, September 11, 2017 from 12pm to 2:30 to complete the Williams Act verification process for us. They will make every effort to not disrupt instruction. They will complete the following tasks: Count all ELA, Math, Science and Social Science textbooks in the classroom (See the document below) Verify current enrollment Collect teacher initials One Form to Refer Your Students for Academic, Behavioral, Social or Emotional Support: As discussed at our faculty meeting, "Who are the students that are your biggest concern? Who is more than one year behind? Who has horrible attendance? Who has an issue that is keeping you guessing and up at night?" For all these concerns, we have ONE FORM...