
Showing posts from April, 2019

April 23 to 26

Be sure to only select the RED Smarter Balanced Summative Tests. CAASPP Information Here are the STEPS to set up a testing session. login to Click on the tab "department" Under the Department Directory. Click on Assessment Operations Under Teacher Assessment Resources there will be 6 green boxes.  Click on the box "CAASPP Test Here" Login to your CAASPP account.  If you received a temporary password, please change it.  If you forgot your password. Reset it! Operational Test Selection- Select the Smarter Balance Summative Assessments (RED) (Example of how to set up the first test) Click on English Language Arts (ELA) Click on ELA Computer Adaptive Test (CAT) Check the right grade level (ex. Grade 06 ELA CAT Test) A box will pop up to make sure that you want to administer this test.  Click "ok" Click "Start operational session" It will generate a code (Operational Session ID)- writ...

April 15 to 19

CAASPP Testing Countdown - Reminders for Staff Testing starts on Tuesday, April 23rd (Remember - there is no school on Friday, 4/19 and Monday, 4/22) Teachers will administer the test to their 4th period students (just like we do for the MAP) Anticipate early finisher activities - NO TECHNOLOGY We aren’t distributing snacks - see the Letter Mailed to Families with reminders for staff to repeat this week. Quick Start Guides provide step-by-step instructions for how to accomplish a task or activity within California’s assessment programs. Sample Questions for students to work on this week can be found HERE A Reminder About Accommodations: What are Accessibility Resources? A set of universal tools—such as a digital notepad and scratch paper—are available to all students. Designated supports— like a translated pop-up glossary—are available to students for whom a need has been identified by school personnel familiar with each student’s needs and testing resources....

April 8 to 12

School Site Council will Review the Single Plan for Student Achievement The SSC will hear new ideas for improving student achievement. The significant changes between last year and this year's SPSA are recorded on this document called an " Executive Summary ". Note, these are "unofficial" pending approval from the SSC, Ed Services, and the FSUSD Board.  SPSA Goal Setting Within the SPSA. there are "metrics" designed to improve academic achievement. Here are the goals CMS Admin is recommending: Smarter Balance Math Performance- Average Scaled Score from "Meets Standards" level Current: All Students - 17% of 720 Students, Goal: Target 60 students and increase 8.3% English learners - 0% of 68 students, Goal: Target 20 students and increase 29.4% Foster Youth - Not statistically significant Homeless - Not statistically significant Socio-economically Disadvantaged - 14% of 559 students, Goal: Target 60 students and increas...