December 19 to January 7

Wednesday is the End of the Semester
The Aeries grading window is open!  It closes this Thursday, 12/22/9, at 3pm.

Thursday is a Teacher Workday. If you are not on campus that day, your absence will need to be recorded in AESOP.

Enjoy your well-deserved Mid Year Break! Take Care of Yourself!!

Remember Our Pledge

When we look at our Crystal Middle School data on the California Dashboard, RED is not an option for any of our students.

Remember Our Mission

To ensure every student at Crystal Middle School is prepared to go to high school with all the skills necessary to earn a diploma.

Remember How Will We Improve

  • We will DELIVER the Board-adopted curriculum for our subject area as the primary source for instruction EVERY DAY.
  • We will use TEAMWORK and our STRENGTHS to maximize our potential and the performance of our students.
  • We will INCREASE our skills as professionals
  • We will ENGAGE our students.
  • We will embrace MAP and CAASPP assessments as our OPPORTUNITY to feel great about what we do for students every day.
Before Going on Break:
Please help reduce energy this winter break by doing the following:

  • Turn off all lights in the classroom and office spaces
  • Turn off lights in common spaces such as kitchens, bathrooms, supply closets, and hallways
  • Turn off all lights in the gym, weight room, and stadium lighting
  • Unplug TV’s, DVD’s, projectors, smart boards, and any non-essential classroom/office electronic equipment
  • Unplug all personal appliances such as fans, portable heaters, microwaves, coffee pots, radios, etc
  • Unplug refrigerators, remove food, defrost, and leave door open. This includes the refrigerators in the common areas. Custodians or those working during the break may keep one per site plugged in to store their lunches
  • Unplug all unnecessary kitchen equipment
  • Turn off all computers and monitors
  • Set thermostats to the off position (if applicable), especially in portables

If your printer or copier machines have the Ray Morgan sticker, please do not shut them off.  In order to obtain an accurate reading, the devices must be on to collect data.

When We Are Back: MAP Test

Ms. Lewis has created a MAP Test Administration Handbook as a trouble shooting guide with clear instructions on how to administer the MAP. All Teachers will be administering the MAP to their 4th period students, per the schedule from January 14th to January 18th.

  • Admin will be sending out a plan to staff with procedures to:
  • Ensure all students Chromebooks are charged and ready each day for testing, including scripts read for 'all call' dialers.
  • A Rewards program for students with charged and ready chrome books.
  • A set of tiered consequences for students without a (fully charged) Chromebook.
  • Plans for students that haven't brought a (fully charged) Chromebook to school.
Update Your Calendar!
Staff Meeting and Department Meetings have gone back to 1st Tuesday (STAFF) and 3rd Tuesday (DEPT). Specific dates are in our Staff Handbook. 

Stay Informed!
Lots of topics covered as we transition from 2018 - 2019. See the agendas from the December 18, 2018 and January 8, 2019 Staff Meetings to keep up to date with what is going on.

Reminder From Dave and the CMS Community Engagement Office:
The winter holiday season is here again and during the winter break, our partners at the Building Christian Fellowship are sponsoring their annual Christmas Toy Giveaway.  This year's Christmas Toy giveaway will be on Monday, December 24, 2018, in the Crystal Middle School parking lot in front of the school from 9 AM to 11 AM.  All are welcome while supplies last for ages 0 - 16 years old.  Come and take a picture with Santa!  Adults picking up gifts must be with a child.  For more information, please contact Andre & Annette Davis at  


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