November 5th to 9th

Good Attendance!
2 Crystal Students won the Attendance Poster Contest through SCOE. They will be recognized at the Board meeting this week and their art will be in next year's SCOE calendar.

Springboard Implementation Walk - November 8th
CIA staff will be at our site this Thursday for a Springboard Implementation Walk. CIA staff and admin will walk ELA classrooms with the Springboard representative.The Implementation Walk packet includes the documents we will use in classroom walk observations. The goal is to look for school and district trends

Run, Hide, Fight
Please see the refresher video on Run, Hide, Fight training video if you haven't seen it already. As discussed at the faculty meeting, please review and refresh the steps on this poster with each class period.

Improving Student Attendance
CMS has the lowest attendance rates in the district this year. We can do better! To improve student attendance rates at Crystal, we will do the following:

Daily: All teachers reward students for arriving on time to class every class day, every class period with PBIS Rewards

Weekly: Students with perfect attendance each day are entered in to a raffle, with entries increasing for each day of perfect attendance. A raffle will be conducted using the PBIS Rewards Raffle Function each week on Friday morning.

Monthly: For students with improved month over month attendance, they will be invited to a catered pizza party. 

Safequest Solano Partnership with CMS
Alaina Star is handing over Safequest's partnership with CMS to a new coordinator, Victoria Davis. This activity, to be administered by Safequest during PE periods to all students, graphically identifies areas on campus that students feel are safe or not safe. The data collected from this activity last year helped CMS win the annual Safety Grant for adding a new security camera to our building. 

Victoria will also work with 6th and 7th grade English teachers to deliver the "Shifting Boundaries" curriculum. Shifting Boundaries is an evidence-based, multiple-level prevention program for middle school students on sexual harassment and precursors to dating violence.

PBIS Tier 1 Reminds Everyone to:

  • Enter students in to the classroom during the passing period and shut the door when the bell rings.
  • Assign PBIS Reward points for being on time
  • Assign PBIS Reward points for preferred behaviors and help students earn entry to the CMS Rap Battle at the end of November

See the team's most recent presentation here. Great job reducing the in-school tardies!!!

  • August: 9 students with 5 or more tardies.
  • September: 96 students with 5 or more tardies.
  • October: 65 students with 5 or more tardies.
Counseling Program Updates 
Welcome to the Counseling Department, Trena Nashir! She is working in the admin building and can be reached at extension 5844
  • Students with last names A-L will be on Nicole Williams' case load
  • Students with last names M-Z will be on Trena Nashir's case load
  • Monitor all students performance with grades, behavior and attendance

Both counselors will:
Support CMS SMART Goals for improving MAP scores
  1. Generate 4-year plans for CMS 8th graders
  2. Support all students becoming familiar with A-G requirements for high school graduation
  3. Facilitate group counseling for students
  4. Provide Tier 3 support for students in need of the following, (per Administrative or Tier 2 Team Recommendation):
  • Bullying and victims of bullying
  • Conduct disorders 
  • Mental illness
  • Recent death in the family
  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Fragile LGBTQ
  • Chronic academic challenges
  • Chronic attendance issues
The Google Hangout/Chat feature has been removed from the students' accounts. Please continue to be diligent with other CB apps and features that cause distractions to learning.
Please see our draft Chromebook Handbook for students and parents.
As a reminder, parents can access the insurance coverage for Chromebook repairs and replacement less than $50 by visiting this website. Unfortunately, we did not announce this when we rolled out the devices, so please encourage parents you talk to about CB issues to purchase this. 

Upcoming Events
  • Springboard Walks - Friday, November 9th
  • No School (closed) - Monday, November 12th
  • Data Meetings Continuing: November 13th and 15th (the 11/9 meetings were cancelled)
  • CMS Department Chair Meeting in the Library - Tuesday, November 13th at 3:15
  • Academic Conversation Visit from Secondary Ed - Tuesday, November 13th
  • School Site Council - Wednesday, November 14th
  • Please remember to promptly give case managers your feedback on your student's present levels of performance - thank you!

November's Theme of the Month: respect


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