May 7 - 11

Teacher Appreciation Week! 

Thank you for all you do each day for our students and our school! We appreciate you! Watch your emails for daily updates of events for this week! 

Math CAASPP Testing begins this week! 

Please refer to the Teacher CAASPP Dashboard linked HERE  and the past two weeks of blog posts for information on testing schedules, where to obtain Chromebooks and other important details about testing!

Students MAY use scratch paper for the Math CAASPP test, please collect at the end of the testing session and shred.

Make-Up CAASPP Testing

Monday we will continue CAASPP Make-Up Testing in the library. Students will be called out of class with a pass, please ask them to promptly go to the library with all of their belongings. If a student is absent, please write ABSENT on the pass and return with TA or Campus Monitor. 

Tip of the Week: Teachers, don't let kids use your classroom phone during class time. If they must contact a parent, have them do so from the office.

Events This Week: (Reasons to Celebrate in May!)

May 9th is the California Day of the Teacher:

May 7 - 11 is School Nutrition Employee Week

May 9th is National School Nurse Day

May 7 - 11 is School Nutrition Employee Week

May is also Mental Health Month

May is also National Physical Fitness and Sports Month


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