February 3, 2020

Crystal Champions - Undefeated Boys Basketball, Crystal Commodores at their first competition and FSUSD Runs This Winners!

How did we do on the MAP? How will we do on CAASPP?
There is a VERY strong correlation between student performance on the MAP and the CAASPP. Here is a breakdown of how our students performed on the Winter MAP. Let’s keep pushing and move this data for the CAASPP. It is 2 months away!

Winter MAP Math Fall MAP Math


Winter MAP Reading Fall MAP Reading

School Safety

Our school’s three highest priorities for site level changes and improvements?  
  1. Explicit instruction for students needs to be provided to improve tolerance and non-discriminatory language and behaviors from students and to address the needs of socially awkward students.
  2. We need to explicitly train staff and students on anti-bullying and to implement restorative justice programs and practices.
  3. Roles need to be assigned  in the event of a campus wide evacuation to properly administer a dismissal following a disaster. Training for staff in each role needs to be provided.

Thank you to the CMS Staff, CMS Safety Committee and the Site Council for their input and work on the plan!

Active Shooter Drill/Lockdown Drill - Wednesday, February 26th from 11:15 to 11:45
  • We will be conducting a drill to test the “Hide” portion of the “Run, Hide, Fight” response to an Active Shooter. 
  • We will be partnering with Suisun Police and Suisun City Fire Departments. Both agencies are sending officers to assist us with the drill. 
  • Like last year, we will go over the details of the drill at our February faculty meeting an identify a safeword. Details will be provided for staff to go over with their students before the drill. We will debrief with SPD at our March Faculty Meeting. 

Attendance - Where are we?
As you can see, our attendance is below the district average for every month this year. There is no replacement in education for a student seated in class in front a certificated teacher and for too many of our students, this isn’t happening enough? WHY? The reasons are myriad. We are still desperately seeking to form an Attendance Committee of certificated and classified staff to help tackle the issue and get both averages higher for our students. If you are working on a masters, admin credential, or want to join the committee, please let admin know!

Cougar Code of the Month: Accountable
Thank you to everyone that has inputted their Student of the Month for January’s trait of “Responsible” The Cougar Code Trait of the month is ACCOUNTABLE. Math teachers will be teaching students the following lesson plan, and we can all help our students by reminding the importance of this valuable character trait!!

  • Kris Corey is scheduled to make her next visit to our site on MONDAY from 9 to 11am
  • Kristen Witt is scheduled to make her next visit to our site on THURSDAY from 8 to 10

This week is Spirit Week:
Monday - Sports Shirt Day
Tuesday - Silly Hat  Day
Wednesday - School Pride Day
Thursday - Crazy Mismatch Sock Day
Friday - Sweats Day & the “Social Gathering” - Teachers - if interested in helping ASB with this event (formerly known as the dance) - sign up here.

Student Recognition: Awards Assembly coming in February
Honors Assembly on February 21st during 1st, 2nd & 3rd period. Students with a first semester GPA of 3.0 or higher, were Reclassified English Proficient, or have perfect attendance will be recognized at this assembly. Parents have been mailed invitation letters with more information. 


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