November 3, 2019

CMS Attendance Awareness Poster Winners from Solano County Office of Education

Attendance Matters!!

When just a few students in a class have been absent, teachers have to choose between spending time helping returning absentees catch up, which takes time away from the rest of the class, or letting returning students fend for themselves, which negatively affects their progress. Either way, the class’s achievement takes a hit. Why does attendance matter? Student absences sharply reduce student achievement, particularly in math.

The same can be said for tardies. After the first marking period, every student with 20 or more period tardies was referred to the office for a conference, warning, and parent meeting. As a result, TARDIES are now our second highest “problem behavior” referrals in SWIS.

How can we change this behavior, minimize disruption and raise achievement? By focusing on GOOD ATTENDANCE. Using PBIS Rewards, every CMS staff member can and should award points to students that are on time to each class. By recognizing good attendance to EACH PERIOD, we will see students make the right choice and get to class on time. 

Ready for Success
Look for our daily bulletin recognizing staff that award points to students who are on time to class.

Winning artwork for the Safe Routes to School Poster Contest by Jaimyah Jenkins

Safe Routes!! 
Less than 10 days ago, a CMS student was hit by a car on the way home while riding his bike. Thankfully the student is OK, but he suffered serious injury. Without an SRO, it is up to us to remind and demand that our students wear helmets on their bikes and be careful walking or rolling to and from school. Safe Routes to School is up to all of us! Please let them know you care and insist students be safe to and from school!! 

Mark Your McCalendar!
PTA "McTeacher's Night" is November 13th!! Please sign up for a shift HERE.

Everything You Need to Know is in the Parent Weekly Email from the CMS Office!! Be sure to check it out each week!!


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