
Showing posts from May, 2018

May 29 - 31

Testing Updates! We are wrapping up the CAASPP and MAP testing. Click HERE to see the current percentages of CAASPP tests completed as well as a list of students who are missing one or more test. We will be holding a CAASPP Make-up Session in the Library on Tuesday 5/29 in order to meet our 95% goals! White passes will be delivered as soon as possible Tuesday morning.  Please complete all MAP testing in your classrooms! Click HERE for directions on how to access a list of students who have not yet completed their MAP tests for your class. Do not send students out of your classroom to complete testing. Spring Concert Set up starts on Wednesday afternoon for the evening performance from 6:30 to 9:15. Thursday, May 31st will be Spring Concert for the student body. We will be on a 1st Period Assembly Schedule that day.  Chrome Book Due Date Chrome books will only be deployed past 5/31 to complete MAP & /or CAASPP testing. Please plan accordingly.  ...

Mid Week Update Week of May 21-25

May Department Meeting Summary Notes:

May 21-24

MAP Testing Starts THIS Week!  Reading MAP testing will take place in all English classes on Monday and Tuesday, May 21 and 22. Math MAP testing will take place in all Math classes on Wednesday and Thursday, May 23 and 24.  Please administer the tests listed below: Grades 6+ Growth: Reading 6+ CA 2010 V2 Growth: Math 6+ CA 2010 Please follow the same Chromebook borrowing schedule as for CAASPP Testing. Check it out HERE .  Make-Up CAASPP Testing Please click HERE to see the current Crystal participation percentage (95% goal) and list of students without completed assessments. Make-up CAASPP testing will take place Tuesday in the Library. Please be mindful when entering and exiting the library.  Classified Employee Appreciation Week Please personally thank our classified employee's this week as we celebrate all their efforts! We couldn't run this school without them!  Classified staff are invited to a Fiesta Taco Bar lunch in Mrs. L...

May 14 - 18

CAASPP/CAST Testing FINAL WEEK!!! We are in the final stretch of testing! Please check the CAASPP Teacher Dashboard for any information you need to administer the CAASPP Math PT (6th through 8th)  and CAST (8th grade only).  We will be on block scheduling on Monday and Tuesday ONLY to complete the Math Performance Task. Regular schedule will resume on Wednesday. Please be cognizant of the Math and Science classes finishing up their testing this week!  REMINDER : Please have students turn their phones completely off and place in their backpacks. NO electronic devices can be used during the testing session, EVEN Chromebooks. Please let the admin team know if you have any testing questions! Click HERE to view our completion percentage (goal is 95%) and the updated list of students who need to complete a CAASPP test. Please administer these make-ups during your classes, if possible. Mrs. Guernsey will be running make-up testing on Tuesday and Friday ...

May 7 - 11

Teacher Appreciation Week!  Thank you for all you do each day for our students and our school! We appreciate you! Watch your emails for daily updates of events for this week!  Math CAASPP Testing begins this week!  Please refer to the Teacher CAASPP Dashboard linked HERE   and the past two weeks of blog posts for information on testing schedules, where to obtain Chromebooks and other important details about testing! Students MAY use scratch paper for the Math CAASPP test, please collect at the end of the testing session and shred. Make-Up CAASPP Testing Monday we will continue CAASPP Make-Up Testing in the library. Students will be called out of class with a pass, please ask them to promptly go to the library with all of their belongings. If a student is absent, please write ABSENT on the pass and return with TA or Campus Monitor.  Tip of the Week: Teachers, don't let kids use your classroom phone during class time. If they must contact ...