
Showing posts from January, 2018
Safety Grant Crystal Middle was awarded a $2000 grant from the SCOE Safety Grant Program. Our application proposed to add another video surveillance camera to our system with it's placement to be designated based on our students' feedback provided through Safequest Solano's "Safe Boundaries" Mapping Activity. LCAP Goal #1 - Safe and Connected Learning Environment    Math Intervention Opportunity!  We are looking for a teacher who wants to earn some extra cash while helping kids improve their Math Skills using NWEA Skills and Khan Academy!  If you are interested in this opportunity, please see the Admin Team! LCAP Goal #3 - Interventions to Support Academic & Emotional Development  Jeff Zwiers Academic Conversations PD (bring technology) Who: All Crystal and Grange Staff What: Learn ways to implement and improve Academic Conversations in your classrooms! Where: District Office Board Room When: Saturday January 27, 2018 9:00 AM Why...
Faculty Meeting This Tuesday in the Library Our faculty meeting is this Tuesday from 3:15 to 4:45. All staff is expected to be in attendance at all Faculty Meetings, which will be the first Tuesday of the month. Kiana will be at Faculty Meetings to take attendance at the beginning and end of the meeting. All staff are also expected to be in attendance at their respective Department Meeting on the third Tuesday of the month from 3:15 to 4:15. Your Department chair takes attendance. In order to be excused from one of these required meetings, you will need to notify all 3 admin in writing by 3:05 on the Friday before. Certificated staff are not excused unless they're request receives a response giving an excusal in writing from admin. Topics For This Month's Faculty Meeting: LCAP Goal #3 - Master Schedule for 2018/19 LCAP Goal #1 - Creating A Safer School  LCAP Goal #1 - Reviewing our School's Safety Plan LCAP Goal #3 - This Year's Extended School Year Program...
Department Chair Meeting Rather than pull Department Chairs in to a meeting to look at our data, all Department Chairs will receive a binder/packet with our school's data to review, reflect and share with their respective department members. All data tells a story, and ours does too. Please see your Department Chair to find out more. Please note, our Faculty Meeting for January is on Tuesday, January 30th. Upcoming TEAM Workshop on LGBT/SSOGIE on Wednesday at 3:30 in the Grange Library.  T.E.A.M. workshops are designed to bring caregivers, families and staff together as we support students throughout the school year. Meetings are once a month and qualify for salary credit or buyback hours for those that attend. For staff, meetings run from 3:30 to 5pm. A second session for families/caregivers will be on the same dates from 6 to 8pm. Can You View Our Staff Calendar?  If you can not view our CMS Staff Calendar in your Gmail, you are missing out on valuable informatio...
Welcome Back to School! Happy New Year!! We will work as a team in 2018!! Department Meetings This Tuesday We will flip-flop the after school meetings required for January. This Tuesday, January 10th will be for Department Meetings and our January Faculty Meeting will be Tuesday, January 16th. All teachers should be present and accounted for at both meetings. Update from Child Nutrition Services  Effective  January 8th  for the remainder of the school year, students eligible for reduced price meals will no longer have to pay at breakfast.  Letters to the families have gone home and the information is posted on our school's website.  Student Use of the Internet  Back in October, the Blog discussed the problem with students' inappropriate use of our Chromebooks as a result of their ability to login to other networks and non-FSUSD Gmail accounts. We now have a solution to turn off the ability for students to lo...