
Showing posts from February, 2020

February 18, 2020

The Beyond Differences Student Service Organization put on a fun NO ONE EATS ALONE event at both A & B Lunch. Our NO ONE EATS ALONE event featured a mixed genre of music and spoken words of Kindness quotes from more than 30 students.  Our event opened to the song “Summer Love” a R&B pops song and remix from the Japanese Anime theme Spirit Away by Miyazaki and new release by Courtney Knott.   Then, a cadre of Beyond Differences club members walked amongst our Cougar students giving them a piece of candy (pencils) and fist pump saying: “You are not alone.”  Cougars read kindness quotes and were recipients of the BD wrist band. Thank you Beyond Differences working together to make the event happen. That’s CrackerJack! It was a great day to be a Cougar! ELPAC testing starts next week! All of our English learners will be tested between February 18th-26th. Our amazing CSEL, Mrs. Williamson will be pulling the 7th and 8th grade long-term English learners (m...

February 3, 2020

Crystal Champions - Undefeated Boys Basketball, Crystal Commodores at their first competition and FSUSD Runs This Winners! How did we do on the MAP? How will we do on CAASPP? There is a VERY strong correlation between student performance on the MAP and the CAASPP. Here is a breakdown of how our students performed on the Winter MAP. Let’s keep pushing and move this data for the CAASPP. It is 2 months away! MATH: Winter MAP Math Fall MAP Math READING READING: Winter MAP Reading Fall MAP Reading School Safety Here are the links to the CMS 2020 Comprehensive Safe School Assessment 19-20 and the official Comprehensive School Safety Plan . Our school’s three highest priorities for site level changes and improvements?   Explicit instruction for students needs to be provided to improve tolerance and non-discriminatory la...