
Showing posts from 2019

December 16, 2019

Learning Walk Focus: Academic Conversations Our Learning Walks went well in November. Teachers saw best practices in classroom management, lessons being delivered, and students doing focused work. This week on Thursday, we will focus on Academic Conversations using two subs. One for Department Chairs to walk, observe and immediately provide feedback to the teacher visited, and the other sub to take the class so both CMS teachers can step out and debrief privately. No note-taker this time. All the feedback will be face to face. The sign ups for teachers to participate is located here. Teaching Math Language Routines (MLR's), ACE, working on classroom management (for academic conversations to take place), extending academic conversations in to writing, setting up partner A and partner B, and more are all ideas to work on. Newly Updated and Available - Comparing Dashboard Data: CMS Moving In The Right Direction!! 2019 ELA Dashboard: 2018 ELA Dashboard: ...

December 9, 2019

Big THANK YOU to all of our participating Teachers and Students. Your creations are amazing! December Faculty Meeting: Objectives Teachers were given data on student achievement, discipline and use it to identify ways to improve the 2020 - 2021 master schedule to address student needs as evidenced in the data. Teachers were given data on student achievement and use it to identify ways to improve practice in order to immediately address student needs as evidenced in the data. Teachers will understand to embed in every lesson an opportunity for students to participate in a structured academic conversation with peer. December Department Chair Meeting: Objectives Use Dept. chair meeting to collaboratively plan to implement Academic Conversations Create/Review a rubric that will track progress and work to continually improve performance with Academic Conversations Design a notetaker for learning walks on Academic Conversations Review departmental SMART Goals Share...

December 2, 2019

Welcome Back from Thanksgiving  Crystal Middle School Cougars ! Mark 2 Grading Breakdown: Thank You All That Got Your Grades By The Deadline! Here is a breakdown of our grades, by department, for Mark 1 and Mark 2. The end of the first semester (Mark 3) is January 17th, 2020!! California Healthy Kids’ Survey Coming Up The CHKS is an online survey our 7th GRADERS (only) will access while they are at school. A schedule will be sent out to ensure that all 7th graders take the survey. Permission slips were sent home at the beginning of the year, however, a parent may actively decline in writing.  CMS Staff and CMS Parents will also take the CHKS. More information will be forthcoming at faculty meetings and the parent weekly email. The survey asks about: demographics, school supports/performance/engagement, school violence/victims/safety, alcohol and other drug use, tobacco use, mental health risks, ...

November 12, 2019

CMS PLC 2019-2020 Every department at Crystal has a goal for student progress this year and we use these to determine what student progress looks like across all subjects and the whole school.  Counseling SMART Goal 19-20 To reduce chronic absenteeism of at risk students (students who missed 10+ days the previous year) by 25% during the 2019-20 school year. Elective SMART Goal 19-20 To incorporate daily reading/writing activities into our daily lessons in our elective classes, and connect them to our specific subject area of study.  English SMART Goal 19-20 By April, 80% of students will be able to complete an ACE Response that effectively answers the question, cites relevant text evidence and explains the evidence and how it supports their answer to the question.  History SMART Goal 19-20 We intend to strengthen students’ ability to use evidence in support of analysis in written responses Math SMART Goal 19-20 By June 1st 2020, 80...