
Showing posts from October, 2019

October 21, 2019

Family Math Night Brought to CMS by Mrs. Warner & the Math Dept. - An Incredible Success!! Our Principal of the Day, Mayor Wilson Rocks! Student of the Month Names for RESPECT are DUE We are missing a LOT of names! PLEASE submit your selection of a student that HAS NOT already been chosen HERE ! This Week is Spirit Week!! Please count participants for 4th period and document on the form . Monday 10/21 - Crazy Hair Day Tuesday 10/22 - Twin Day Wednesday 10/23 - Sports Day Thursday 10/24 - Wacky Tacky Day Friday 10/25 - Costume Day Fall Fundraiser This Week Students will receive fundraiser packets and information on Wednesday October 23rd - see schedule from Kiana sent on 10/17/19 See directions on supporting ASB from Stella HERE Friday is the Harvest Dance!! Thanks to all that have signed up for the dance duties....but we need at least 3-4 more adults.  Please review the highlighted spots on the shared document . This Saturday, October...

October 7, 2019

HAPPY STUDENTS VISITING THE COUGAR STORE TO CASH IN COUGAR CREDITS!! 🙌🙌🙌🙌😁😁😁😁😁🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌 MATH FACTS FOCUS - MAKING THEM AUTOMATIC IN H104 USING QUIZIZZ ×÷×÷×÷×÷🚀🚀🚀🚀 IN D204, STUDENTS KNOW EXACTLY WHAT THE GOAL IS FOR WRITING A PERSONAL NARRATIVE! ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ First Grading Period Last week, we saw the grade distribution for the first grading period. Students struggling with academics, behavior and/or attendance will have an SST meeting notice sent out. Please provide feedback when requested on our struggling students and look for a calendar invite for an SST. Student Story Profile #3 At our October Faculty Meeting, we looked at the Fall MAP data. Each teacher selected 5 students (2 scoring in the Red, 2 scoring in the Yellow/Orange and 1 in the Green/Blue). After breaking down the data, staff made commitments to help selected students with specific strategies to support students in the 3 categories. CHECK OUT THE RESPONSES! Now, ...
Inspire Dreams Start Now for 8th Graders is Tuesday, October 8th!! Logistics and Assignments are here The presentation to students is here Parking Lot from the last Department Meeting: “May we individually choose the days and lessons the chairs come in so they are most likely to see “what’s working”? “If we want to show what’s working for chair walks, why not be able to invite chairs to relevant, shareable, interesting lessons that we want feedback on? These questions will be discussed at the Department Chair Meetings Tuesday. The  Agenda is linked here Fall MAP Student Story Analysis Thank you Jennifer Warner, Krystal Benckendorf, Noemi Lay for completing the Fall MAP Student Story Analysis. The assignment is DUE by the end of Department Meetings on October 15th (4:45 pm). Mark 1 Grading Breakdown: Thank You All That Got Your Grades By The Deadline! Here is a breakdown of our grades, by department, for Mark 1.  GATE Testing Thi...